We're Home Again
Wow! What a week!Such an energy rush - I am totally exhausted!
Of course Jackson is THE most beautiful baby ever!
I always found it amusing that Mom Moms always said ..."words cannot express the love you feel for your grandchildren..." I laugh now, because it is so true! Here is a tiny little child, who lives hundreds of miles away (1,372 miles, to be exact....), that I have only known for a few days, that I only got to hold and cuddle for a very short time, but has won my heart completely!
I know Alexander and Taylor are going to be THE BEST parents, and will take great care of their most precious little gift. In the few short days that we spent together, I could see how devoted they already are! I am so proud of both of you!
Alexander - I bet that NOW you finally understand why your Dad and I were always so protective of OUR precious little gift!!